Count with your fingers each of the following that apply:
- I know what software vendors my hospital uses.
- I've crunched data with Microsoft Excel.
- I've crunched data with an application other than Microsoft Excel (programming languages count.)
- I've used SQL before.
- I understand how to use statistical methods.
- I know how to use a report writing tool (Qlikview, Tableau, Crystal Reports, Mathworks, etc.)
- I generally know what clinical data looks like (Diagnoses, Labs, Meds, Orders, Encounters etc.)
- I know what ICD-10/9 and CPT codes are.
- I understand SNOMED and RxNorm concepts.
0 Fingers - Oh boy. Aww honey are you lost? Kidding! We're glad to have you aboard and we all started there. Get a cup of coffee and a pencil & notebook--just kidding, none of that! (except for the coffee) -- you're going to take notes on your computer grunt, get used to it.
1-3 Fingers - Not too shabby. Depending on the points you've got some work ahead of you learning IT and/or clinical IT concepts.
4-7 Fingers - Good stuff. Sounds like you've got yourself pretty situated and ready to begin diving into some real-world clinical reporting scenarios, that is if you haven't started already.
8-9 Fingers - Oh hey rockstar. What is it, exactly, did you say you do? Just thought we'd ask, seeing as we're hiring (full-time and paid internships.) Shoot me an email, you might be interested in some of the population health tools we're incubating here in Annapolis, Maryland.