RE: A turn-key Qlik Sense application that displays ETL and Execution metrics and data for Epic Clarity/Caboodle/Cogito running on Microsoft SQL Server.

Exchanging healthcare information is hard.

It's complex -- encompassing an enormous breadth of knowledge concepts including science, technology, engineering, and medicine.

It requires significant infrastructure -- as an industry healthcare uniquely demands service-level agreements (SLAs) above and beyond most: real-time, liability, point-of-care, life-and-death.

Making ALL healthcare technology systems place nicely is far outside the scope of this post. (Though you should definitely check out HL7's FHIR standard if you are interested in that.)

In this post we'll focus on a tiny slice of the healthcare-interoperability pie:

As an IT administrator for a hospital/medical system using Epic and Microsoft SQL Server, how can I stay on top of the plethora of interfaces and extract-transform-loads (ETLs) that integrate internal, external, and open data into our various databases?

If you have Qlik Sense analytics, the answer is simple: eat your own dog food.

Step 1: Download the open-source Epic ETL & Execution Monitoring Qlik Sense App directly from github.

Step 2: Import the ETL & Execution Monitoring Qlik Sense App, and update the connection strings.

Step 3: Gain business insights into your Epic ETLs and custom SQL Server Agent Jobs. (As below.)